Gutiérrez-Carbonell, D.; Simonin-Díaz, J.; Briones-Fourzan, P.

    A Simple Collector for Postlarvae of the Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus

    Volume 41

    Butler IV, M.J.; Herrnkind, W.F.

    Spiny Lobster Recruitment in South Florida Quantitative Experiments and Management Implications

    Volume 41

    Briones-Fourzan, P.; Gutiérrez-Carbonell, D.

    Postlarval Recruitment of the Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus (Latrielle 1804). in Bahía de la Ascensión. Q.R.

    Volume 41

    Blonder, B.I.; Hunt, J.H.; Forcucci, D.; Lyons, W.G.

    Effects of Recreational and Commercial Fishing on Spiny Lobster Abundance at Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary

    Volume 41

    Bannerot, S.P.; Ryther, J.H.; Clark, M.

    Large-Scale Assessment of Recruitment of Postlarval Spiny Lobsters. Panulirus argus, to Antigua, west Indies

    Volume 41

    Boidron-Metairon, I.F.

    A New Approach to Comparative Studies Of Strombus gigas Larvae at the Developmental and Nutritional Levels

    Volume 41

    Stoner, A.W.; Sandt, V.J.

    Transplanting as a Test Procedure Before Large-Scale Outplantig of Juvenile. Queen Conch

    Volume 41

    Marshall, L.S.; Lipcius, R.N.; Cox, C.

    comparison of Mortality Rates of Hatchery-Reared and Wild Juvenile Queen Conch in Natural Habitats

    Volume 41

    Lipcius, R.N.; Marshall, L.S.; Cox, C.

    Regulation of Mortality Rates in Juvenile Queen Conch

    Volume 41

    Berg Jr., C.J.; Glazer, R.A.; Carr, J.; Krieger, J.; Acton, S.

    Status of the Queen Conch. Strombus gigas in Florida Waters: A Progress Report

    Volume 41