Appeldoorn, R.S.
Development of a Combined Model of Growth in Weight for Juvenile and Adult Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) and Its Application to the Population Off La Parguera, Puerto Rico
Volume 42
Rivera Álvarez, F.
La Política Pesquera Mexicana para la Adminisuación y Protección de Delfines y “Picudos” en la ZEE y en Particular en el Golfo de México y el Mar Caribe
Volume 41
Nixon, D.; Joseph, D.C.
The Fishing Vessel Insurance Project of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
Volume 41
Feigenbaum, D.; Bushing, M.; Strickland, J.
Evaluation of Mooring Line Resistance to Shark Bite.
Volume 41
Wilber, D.; Pyson Wilber Jr., T.; Iglehart, J.; Adey, W.
Culture of the Caribbean King Crab on Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands, BWI
Volume 41
Kubaryk, J.M.
Oxyclimatic Classification System and Its Use in Determining Production Cycles for Tropical Aquaculture Systems
Volume 41
Holt, J.K.
Aquaculture Site Selection in the Caribbean: An Engineering Viewpoint
Volume 41
Haughton, M.O.; King, D.P.F.
Population Biology of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) in Jamaican Waters
Volume 41