Murray, P.A.; Chinnery, L.E.; Moore, E.A.
The Recruitment of the Queen Snapper Etelis oculatus Val., into the St Lucian Fishery: Recruitment of Fish and Recruitment of Fisherman
Volume 41
Maiolo, J.R.; Johnson, J.
Determkining and Utilizing Communication Networks in Marine Fisheries: A Management Tool
Volume 41
Ault, J.S.
Age-Structured Abundance/Density Equations for Tropical Multicolort Populations
Volume 41
Friedlander, A.; Beets, J.
Fisheries Enhancement Using Artificial Habitats in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Volume 41
Dennis, G.D.
Island Mangrove Habitats as Spawning and Nursery Areas for Commercially Important Fishes in the Caribbean
Volume 41
Boulon, R.
Use of Mangrove Pmp Root Habitats by Fish in the Northern U.S. Virgin Islands
Volume 41
Bouchon, C.; Bouchon-Navaro, Y.; Louis, M.
A First Record of a Sargassum (Phaeomphyta, Algae) Outbreak in a Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystem
Volume 41
Beliaeff, B.; Louis, M.; Souprayen, J.
Preliminary Result on the Effciency and Selectivity of the Chervron-Shaped Trap, A Traditional Fishing Device in Guadeloupe
Volume 41
Acosta, A.
A Preliminary Study of Gillnet, Trammel Net and Beach Seine Catches from Southwest Puerto Rico with Notes on Length-Frequency
Volume 41