Sandt, V.J.; Stoner, A.W.
Diurnal Burial Rhythm and Distribution of Early Juvenile Queen Conch
Volume 42
Butler IV, M.J.; Herrnkind, W.F.
Are Artificial ”Witham” Surface Collectors Adequate Indicators of Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus, Recruitment?
Volume 42
Eggleston, D.B.; Lipcius, R.N.; Miller, D.L.
Enhancement of Spiny Lobster Survival by Artificial shelters: Habitat, Scaling, and Spatial Effects upon Predation Intensity
Volume 42
Haughton, M.O.; King, D.P.F.
Stock Assessment of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) in Jamaica
Volume 42
Hargreaves, J.A.; Rakocy, J.E.; Bailey, D.S.; Miller, D.J.
An Evalution of Three Cage Designs and Two Tilapias for Mariculture
Volume 42
Homziac, J.; Posadas, B.C.
A Preliminary Survey of Tilapia Markets in North America
Volume 42
Beets, J.; Friedlander, A.
Stock Analysis and Management Strategies for Red Hind, Epinephelus guttatus in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Volume 42
Sadovy, Y.; Figuerola-Fernández, M.
The Status of the Red Hind Fishery in Puerto Rico and St. Thomas As Determined by Yield-Per-Recruit Analysis
Volume 42