Anderson, A.W.

    Voluntary federal standards for fishery products

    Volume 7
    September, 1955


    Discussion, technical session

    Volume 6
    September, 1954

    Dassow, J.

    freezing Gulf of Mexico shrimp at sea

    Volume 6
    September, 1954

    Higman, J.B.; Idyll, C.P.; Thompson, J.R.

    Further experiments in holding of fresh shrimp in refrigerated seawater & ice

    Volume 6
    September, 1954

    Lane, C.E.; Whittaker, B.E.

    The use of ultraviolet (“black”) light for determining quality in iced shrimp

    Volume 6
    September, 1954

    Fieger, E.A.; Friloux, J.J.

    Comparison of objective tests for quality of fresh and frozen gulf shrimp

    Volume 6
    September, 1954

    Klein, M.; Simerl, L.F.; Adams, E.

    Evaluation of five pound packages of glazed and unglazed shrimp

    Volume 6
    September, 1954

    Anderson, W.W.

    Migrations of the common shrimp penaeus setiferus along the south Atlantic and northern gulf coasts of the U.S. (abstract)

    Volume 6
    September, 1954

    Perez-Farfante, I.

    The discovery of a new shrimp bank at Golfo de Batabano, Cuba

    Volume 6
    September, 1954


    Discussion, biological session

    Volume 6
    September, 1954