Boe, P.

    Fishing vessel insurance in Norway

    Volume 7
    September, 1955

    Robas, J.S.

    The fisherman and his insurance

    Volume 7
    September, 1955

    Wiles, D.W.

    Insurance of small boats in the Barbados B.W.I. fishery

    Volume 7
    September, 1955

    García Méndez, A.

    Labor accidents law of the republic of Cuba and its application to the fishing industry

    Volume 7
    September, 1955

    Sachs, J.

    Some observations on the insurance of commercial fishing vessels

    Volume 7
    September, 1955

    Kahn, R.A.

    Introduction to the problems of marine insurance in the fishing industry in the United States

    Volume 7
    September, 1955


    Discussion, technology and exploratory fishing session

    Volume 7
    September, 1955

    Upham, S.D.; Stirn, F.E.; Weidenheimer, J.F.; Callahan, F.M.; Ritter, L.

    A practical method of dispersing aureo-mycin chlortetracycline in ice

    Volume 7
    September, 1955

    Springer, S.

    Exploration of deep-water shrimp of the Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 7
    September, 1955

    Bullis Jr., H.R.

    Recent explorations for yellowfin in the Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 7
    September, 1955