Mehos, J.

    Shrimp conservation on the high seas

    Volume 14
    April, 1962

    Butler, P.A.

    Effects of pesticides on commercial fisheries

    Volume 13
    April, 1961

    Ott, E.

    The contribution by the outboard motor to the mechanization and development of the fishing industry

    Volume 13
    April, 1961

    Miles, C.

    A world-wide approach to fish culture improvement

    Volume 13
    April, 1961

    Moffett, A.; Jones, A.C.

    Movements of Seatrout on the west coast of Florida (abstract)

    Volume 13
    April, 1961

    Klima, E.F.; Bayliff, W.H.

    Tagging of Anchovetas, Cetengraulis Mysticetus, in the gulf of Panama

    Volume 13
    April, 1961

    Rounsefell, G.A.

    How can research production be measured?

    Volume 13
    April, 1961

    Wallace, D.H.

    Industry’s appraisal of the future of the oyster industry

    Volume 13
    April, 1961

    Glude, J.B.

    The future of the United States oyster industry from a biologist’s viewpoint

    Volume 13
    April, 1961

    Abrahamson, J.D.

    Economic aspects of markets for middle Atlantic oysters

    Volume 13
    April, 1961