Stolting, W.H.
Financial aids available to you and your foreign competitor
Volume 14
April, 1962
Crutchfield, J.A.
The economics of fishery regulation: a report from Ottawa
Volume 14
April, 1962
Wathne, F.; Bullis Jr., H.R.
The mechanical performance of Gulf of Mexico shrimp trawls (Abstract)
Volume 14
April, 1962
Osterbind, C.C.
Three aspects of the economic problems of the shrimp industry
Volume 14
April, 1962
Costello, T.J.; Allen, D.M.
Survival of stained, tagged, and unmarked shrimp in the presence of predators
Volume 14
April, 1962
Jones, A.C.
New developments in the larval pink shrimp study of dry tortucas (abstract)
Volume 14
April, 1962