Loesch, H.

    The developing shrimp fishery of Honduras

    Volume 14
    April, 1962

    Zaneveld, J.S.

    The fishery resources and the fishery industries of the Netherlands Antilles

    Volume 14
    April, 1962

    Mansueti, R.J.

    Effects of civilization on striped bass and other estuarine biota in Chesapeake Bay and tributaries

    Volume 14
    April, 1962

    Tabb, D.C.

    The ivory barnacle, balanus eburneus, as a biological indicator in brackish waters of South Florida (abstract)

    Volume 14
    April, 1962

    Saila, S.B.

    The contribution of estuaries to the offshore winter flounder fishery in Rhode Island

    Volume 14
    April, 1962

    Loosanoff, V.L.

    Effects of turbidity on some larval and adult bivalves

    Volume 14
    April, 1962

    Schelske, C.L.; Odum, E.P.

    Mechanisms maintaining high productivity in Georgia estuaries

    Volume 14
    April, 1962

    Sette, O.E.

    What oceanography means to fishermen

    Volume 14
    April, 1962

    Alexander, J.E.; Steele, J.H.; Corcoran, E.F.

    The seasonal cycle of chlorophyll in the florida straits

    Volume 14
    April, 1962

    Vetter, R.C.

    Federal coordination of oceanography

    Volume 14
    April, 1962