Murray, T.J.

    Fish Traps, the Great Ripoff?

    Volume 32
    May, 1980

    Davis, G.E.; Dodrill, J.W.

    Marine Parks and Sanctuaries for Spiny Lobster Fisheries Management

    Volume 32
    May, 1980

    Stevenson, D.K.; Stuart-Sharkey, P.

    Performance of Wire Fish Traps on the Western Coast of Puerto Rico

    Volume 32
    May, 1980

    Boardman, C.; Weiler, D.

    Aspects of the Life History of Three Deep-water Snappers around Puerto Rico

    Volume 32
    May, 1980

    Craig, A.K.

    A Different Perspective on Fish Traps in South Florida

    Volume 32
    May, 1980

    de Sylva, D.P.; Higman, J.B.

    A Plan to Reduce Ciguatera in the Tropical Western Atlantic Region

    Volume 32
    May, 1980

    McFarland, W.N.

    Observations on Recruitment in Haemulid Fishes

    Volume 32
    May, 1980

    Huntsman, G.R.

    The Biological Bases of Reef Fishery Production (Abstract)

    Volume 32
    May, 1980

    Miller, G.C.; Richards,W.J.

    Reef Fish Habitat, Fauna1 Assemblages, and Factors Determining Distributions in the South Atlantic Bight

    Volume 32
    May, 1980

    Molinari, R.L.; Atwood, D.K.; Duckett, C.

    Surface Currents in the Caribbean Sea as Deduced from Satellite Tracked Drifting Buoys

    Volume 32
    May, 1980