Davis, G.E.; Dodrill, J.W.
Marine Parks and Sanctuaries for Spiny Lobster Fisheries Management
Volume 32
May, 1980
Stevenson, D.K.; Stuart-Sharkey, P.
Performance of Wire Fish Traps on the Western Coast of Puerto Rico
Volume 32
May, 1980
Boardman, C.; Weiler, D.
Aspects of the Life History of Three Deep-water Snappers around Puerto Rico
Volume 32
May, 1980
de Sylva, D.P.; Higman, J.B.
A Plan to Reduce Ciguatera in the Tropical Western Atlantic Region
Volume 32
May, 1980
Miller, G.C.; Richards,W.J.
Reef Fish Habitat, Fauna1 Assemblages, and Factors Determining Distributions in the South Atlantic Bight
Volume 32
May, 1980
Molinari, R.L.; Atwood, D.K.; Duckett, C.
Surface Currents in the Caribbean Sea as Deduced from Satellite Tracked Drifting Buoys
Volume 32
May, 1980