Adams, J.E.
Fish Preferences and Prejudices in a Small Caribbean Island: A Study of Fish Consumption Patterns in St. Vincent Based on a Household Survey
Volume 32
May, 1980
Anderson, R.
Gulf and South Atlantic Fisheries Development Foundation: Export Marketing Activities (Abstract)
Volume 32
May, 1980
Schroedter, W.F.
Marketing Service Activities of the FAO-INFOPESCA Project in the Caribbean
Volume 32
May, 1980
Menzies, R.A.; Kerrigan, J.M.
Implications of Spiny Lobster Recruitment Patterns to the Caribbean: a Biochemical-Genetic Approach
Volume 31
April, 1979
Rathjen, W.F.; Hixon, R.F.; Hanlon, R.T.
Squid Fishery Resources and Development in the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
Volume 31
April, 1979
Olsen, D.A.; LaPlace, J.A.
A Study of a Virgin Islands Grouper Fishery Based on a Breeding Aggregation
Volume 31
April, 1979