Soto, L.A.; García, A.; Botello, A.V.
Study of the Penaeid Shrimp Population in Relation to Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Campeche Bank
Volume 33
June, 1981
Botello, A.V.; Castro, S.A.; Juarez, M.
Efecto d e los Hidrocarburos Fosiles en las Comunidades del Género Penaeus del Banco de Campeche, Mexico
Volume 33
June, 1981
Eldridge, M.B.; Benville, P.; Whipple, J.A.
Physiologic Responses of Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) Embryos and Larvae to Low, Sub-lethal Concentrations of the Aromatic Hydro-carbon Benzene
Volume 33
June, 1981
Atwood, D.K.; Ferguson, R.L.
An Example Study of the Fate of Spilled Petroleum in a Tropical Environment: IXTOC-I
Volume 33
June, 1981
Schafer, H.J.
Informe del Panel de Evaluación de la Sesión sobre Acuacultura
Volume 33
June, 1981
Robins, C.R.
The Need for an International Experimental Center for Tropical Aquaculture for Latin America
Volume 33
June, 1981
Goodwin, M.H.
Status of Conch Mariculture as a Management Tool in the Grenadines
Volume 33
June, 1981
Nanne, H.
La Piscicultura: Importante Alternativa en la Producción de Pescado en la Costa Atlántica de Costa Rica
Volume 33
June, 1981
Wade, B.; Brown, R.; Hanson, C.; Alexander, L.M.; Hubbard, R.; López, B.
The Development of a Low-Technology Oyster-culture Industry in Jamaica
Volume 33
June, 1981
Kumpf, H.E.
Practical Considerations and Testing of Escape Panel Material in Fish Traps
Volume 32
May, 1980