Baelde, P.; Louis, M.

    Croissance et production des juveniles d’ocyurus chrysurus (Poisson Lutjanidae) dans un herbier en Guadeloupe

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Aiken, K.A.; Haughton, M.O.

    Status of the Jamaica Reef Fishery and Proposals for its Management

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Bouchon, C.; Bouchon-Navaro, Y.; Louis, M.; Laborel, J.

    Influence of the Degradation of Coral Assemblages on the Fish Communities of (French West Indies)

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Condrey, R.E.; Fuller, D.

    A New Tool for Forecasting Maximum Sustainable Yield in Developing Fisheries

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Ault, J.S.; Fox Jr., W.W.

    FINMAN: A Fishery Institution Management Computer Model for Simulating the Decision making Environment in Tropical and Subtropical Regions

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    West, N.; Richardson, K.

    Nearshore Bathymetric Evaluation of Baíe du Galion, Utilizing Landsat TM Data

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Gerlotto, F.

    L’hydroacoustique appliquée aux stocks insulaires tropicaux (à travers l’example d’une prospection dans les Antilles Francaises en Septembre, 1984)

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Butler, M.J.A.; MacNeill, J.L.; Fay, C.B.

    A Fisheries Resource Mapping and Management System

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Gueredrat, J.A.; Guillon, A.

    La pêche en (Problémes, recherches et possibilités d’améngement)

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Nichols, K.E.

    Conch Management Program St. Lucia

    Volume 38
    May, 1987