Campos, J.L.; Rolon, M.A.; Muñoz-Roure, O.

    The Emergence of a Swordfish Fishery around Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Nieland, D.L.; Bane Jr., G.W.; McMillin, D.; Shaffer, G.

    An Analysis of Nuclear Eye Lens Proteins of King Mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla using High Performance Liquid Chromatography

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Coton, P.; Nijean, C.

    Les post-larves de langoustes, Panulirus argus

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Olsen, D.A.; Boulon, R.

    Biological Information about Virgin Islands Turtle Resources

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    de la Torre, R.; Miller, D.L.

    Update on the Mexican Caribbean’s Artificial Habitat-based Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Fishery; Evaluation of Design, Material and Placement Optimums

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Lamadrid, H.; Blanco, W.

    Evaluación de un nuevo sistema para el mantenimiento, manipulación y transporte de la langosta viva (Panulirus argus) en Cuba

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Sturm, M.G. de L.; Julien-Flus, M.; Maingot, J.

    Yield per Recruit Analysis of the Mackerel Fishery in Trinidad.

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Luckhurst, B.E.; Ward, J.

    Bahavioral Dynamics of Coral Reef Fishes in Antillian Fish Traps at Bermuda

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Oxenford, H.A.; Hunte, W.

    Long-term Trends in Abundance of the Dolphin, Coryphaena hippurus, near Barbados

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Arreguín-Sánchez, F.

    Present Status of the Red Grouper Fishery of the Campeche Bank

    Volume 38
    May, 1987