Rakocy, J.E.

    Aquaculture Research in the U.S. Virgin Islands

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Wicklund, R.I.; Wenz, G.A.; McGeanchin, R.B.; Sinclair-Sands, S.

    Caribbean Marine Research Center: Focus on Aquaculture

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Fukamachi, T.; Kabaya, S.; Kobuto, A.; Nagami, Y.

    Sea Trials of “SAF-27”: How Sail and Outboards Work Together

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Clavijo, I.E.; LaPlace, J.A.; Tobías, W.J.

    Construction and Evaluation of a Midwater FAD Design in the U.S. Virgin Islands

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Rangel Castelazo, F.

    La Promoción y el desarrollo de la Pesca Deportiva en Mexico por la Confederación Marítima Mexicana

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Schmied, R.L.

    Marine Recreational Fisheries Development in the Caribbean: Why and How?

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Campos, J.L.; Muñoz-Roure, O.

    Sportfishing: A Complement to a Balanced Tourism Program for the Tropical Caribbean

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Brandon, M.

    Marine Recreational Fishing Statistics of the U.S. Virgin Islands, January, 1983 to September, 1985

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Bane, N.; Eldridge, P.

    Optimizing Fishery-Independent Data Collection, Management and Dissemination Through the Experimental, Cooperative State-Federal SEAMAP Program

    Volume 38
    May, 1987

    Marcille, J.M.; Caddy, J.F.

    Tuna Resources of the Lesser Antilles: present state Of Fishing and Prospects for Development

    Volume 38
    May, 1987