Aiken, K.A.; Haughton, M.O.
Regulating the Fishing Effort: The Jamaican Experience
Volume 40
Dennis, G.D.
The Validity of Length-frequeny Derived Growth Parameters from Commercial Catch Data and Their Application to Stock Assessment of the Yellowtail Snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus)
Volume 40
Sutherland, D.L.; Bohnsack, J.A.; Harper, D.E.; Holt, C.M.; Hulsbeck, M.W.
Preliminary Report: Reef Fish Size and Species Selectivity by Wire Fish Traps in south Florida Waters
Volume 40
Shaul, W.; Reifsteck, D.
Comparison of Catches by Bamboo and Wire Fish Traps in Jamaica
Volume 40
Tobías, W.J.
Resource Evaluation of the Bigeye Scad, Selar crumenopthalmus (bloch), in the Insular Shelf Waters Around St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
Volume 40