Horrocks, J.A.; Oxenford, H.A.; Willoughby, S.
Reproduction, Mortality and Conservation of the Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in Barbados
Volume 40
Steele, P.
Population Dynamics and Migration of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun). in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Volume 40
Burrell, V.G.; Manzi, J.J.; O'Rourke, C.B.
Assessment of Mechanical Transplanting as a Means of Rehabilitatig Intertidal Oyster Beds
Volume 40
Pomeroy, R.S.
Business Management for Small Scale Fishermen: A Program in SL Kitts, West Indies
Volume 40
Myatt, D.O.; Myatt, E.N.
What to Look for in a Tournament Weighmaster, Where to Find One, and How to Use One to a Tournament’s Best Advantage
Volume 40