Ray, M.; Davis, M.

    Algae Production for Commercially Grown Queen Conch (Strombus gigas)

    Volume 39

    Margerit, P.

    Introduction d’une Nouvelle Espece de Poisson en Martinique le Saint Pierre Orechromis niloticus x 0. mossambicus

    Volume 39

    Watanabe, W.O.; Wicklund, R.I.; Olla, B.L.; Ernst, D.H.; Ellingson, L.J.

    Potential for Saltwater Tipalia Culture in the caribbean

    Volume 39

    Ernst, D.H.

    Design and Operation of a Hatchery for seawater Production of Tilapia in the caribbean

    Volume 39

    Tucker Jr., J.W.

    Research on Coastal Finfish Aquaculture in Florida and Australia

    Volume 39

    Miller, D.L.; Goodwin, M.H.

    Summary of Bermuda Spiny Lobster Workshop and Workshop Follow-Up

    Volume 39

    Wilkins, R.M.; Goodwin, M.H.

    Progress Report on the Evaluation of Fish Aggregating Devices for the Eastern Caribbean

    Volume 39

    Mahon, R.

    Developing a Management Strategy for the Flyingfish Fishery of the Eastern Caribbean

    Volume 39

    Ault, J.S.; Fox Jr., W.W.

    Simulation of the Effects of Spawning and Recruitment Patterns in Tropical and Sub-tropical Fish Stocks on Traditional Management Assessments

    Volume 39

    Koslow, J.A.; Hanley, F.; Wicklund, R.I.

    The Impact of Fishing on the Reef Fish of Pedro Bank and Port Royal, Jamaica: A Comparison of Trap Surveys. 1969-73 and 1986

    Volume 39