Watanabe, W.O.; Wicklund, R.I.; Olla, B.L.; Ernst, D.H.
Recent Progress in Experimental Saltwater Tilapia Culture in the Bahamas
Volume 41
Griessinger, J.M.; LaCroix, D.
Analyse des plans de developpement de l’élevage de la crevette géante d’eau douce Macrobrachium rosenbergii aux Antilles françaises et en Guyane française
Volume 41
Appeldoorn, R.S.
Preliminary Calculations of Sustainable Yield for Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Volume 41
Posada, J.M.
Los Recursos Pesqueros del Parque Nacional Archipiélago de los Roques, Venezuela
Volume 41
Perry, H.M.; Trigg, C.B.; Steele, P.; Meyers, S.
Soft Crab Fisheries: Potential for Caribbean Development
Volume 41
Oxenford, H.A.
Preliminary Tagging Results on the Four-Wing Flyingfish Hirundichthys affinis in the Eastern Caribbean
Volume 41
Gobert, B.
Potential Interest of Two Time-Saving Methods for Measuring Activity and Catches of Small Scale Fisheries
Volume 41
Freon, P.
Methodology for Visual Estimation of Abundance Applied to Flyingfish Stocks
Volume 41
Bannerot, S.P.; Ryther, J.H.; Griffith, S.
Progress on Assessment of Recruitment of Postlarval Spiny Lobsters, Panulirus argus, to Antigua, west Indies
Volume 40
Polovina, J.J.; Everson, A.R.; Kazama, T.K.
Evaluation of Circular and Rectangular Escape. Vents on a Multispecies Lobster Fishery in Hawaii
Volume 40