Herrnkind, W.F.; Butler IV, M.J.; Forcucci, D.
The Duration of the Inshore Postlarval Stage. of Spiny Lobster: Implications to Recruitment
Volume 43
Bohnsack, J.A.; Brown Jr., A.; Matos-Caraballo, D.; Meyers, S.
Stock Assessment of Spiny Lobster in the U.S. Caribbean I. 1990 Data Base Review and Length Frequency Analysis
Volume 43
Sosa-Cordero, E.; Ramírez-González, A.
Análisis Preliminar de la pesquería de Langosta de Quintana Roo, Mexico
Volume 43
Sarkis, S.
An Overview on the Potential of Stock Enhancement of Two Bivalves in Bermuda
Volume 43
Keithly Jr., W.R.; Roberts, K.J.
Central and South American Shrimp and their Role in the U.S. Shrimp Market
Volume 43
Barile, P.
Advances in Angelwing Clam Culture: A Species with Potential for Mariculture in the Caribbean and Southeastern United States
Volume 43
Hensen, R.R.; Grashof, M.G.J.
Aquaculture Research on Giant Clam, Tridacna deresa, at the Marcultura Foundation, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
Volume 43
Recksiek, C.W.; Pollnac, R.B.
Coral Reef Management Areas: Prospects and Problems
Volume 43