Burnett-Herkes, J.; Barnes, J.
Banning the Use of Pots and other Management Introduced in Bermuda to Protect Declining Reef Fish Stocks
Volume 44
Waugh, G.T.
Status of Current and Future Management of the Snapper Grouper Resource III the South Atlantic
Volume 44
Van Barneveld, W.; Sary, Z.; Woodley, J.D.; Miller, M.; Picou-Gill, M.
Towards the Cooperative Management of Fishing in Discovery Bay, Jamaica: The Role of the Fisheries Improvement Project
Volume 44
Prescod, S.D.; Oxenford, H.A.; Taylor, C.
The Snapper Fishery of Barbados Present Status and a Preliminary Assesment of the Potential for Expansion
Volume 44
Sullivan-Sealy, K.M.; Chiappone, M.; Ninnes, C.
Characteristics of Hard-Bottom Assemblages for Resource Mapping of the Caicos Bank
Volume 44
Posada, J.M.; González, F.; Hauschild, M.
Status of Spiny Lobster Fisheries in the “Archipielago de los Roques” National Park, Venezuela
Volume 44
Sosa-Cordero, E.; Ramírez-González, A.; Domínguez-Viveros, M.
A Length-Based Assessment of the Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus Fishery in Chinchorro Bank, Quintana Roo México
Volume 44