Ehrhardt, N.; Legault, C.; Pike, C.
An Evaluation of the Impact of Fishing Practices on the spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus. Fishcry in South Florida
Volume 44
Sosa-Cordero, E.; Cardenas-Vidal, J.L.
A Preliminary Study of the Nassau Grouper. Epinephelus striatus Fishery in South Quiutma Roo, México
Volume 44
Brulé, T.; Montiel, T.; Rodríguez-Canche, L.G.; Cintora, G.M.
Aspects of the Reproductive and Trophic Biology of the Red Grouper Epinephelus morio (Valenciennes, 1828),from Campeche Bank, Yucatán, Mexico
Volume 44
Colin, P.L.; Koenig, C.C.
Spines in Larval Red Grouper, Epinephelus morio: Development and Function
Volume 44
Rosario, A.; Sadovy, Y.
The Effect of Fish Trap Mesh Size on Species Composition and Catch Value in Western Puerto Rico
Volume 44
Murray, P.A.; Jennings-Clark, S.
A Preliminary Look at Exploitation of the Spiny Lobster in the St Lucian Fishery
Volume 43
Lipcius, R.N.; Eggleston, D.B.
Shelter Limitation and Stock Enhancement of Spiny Lobster
Volume 43
Yeung, C.
The Abundance and Distribution of Phyllosoma of the Slipper Lobster in the Florida Keys During 1989
Volume 43
Eggleston, D.B.; Lipcius, R.N.
The Dynamics of Den Selection in the Caribbean Spiny Lobster Under Variable Predation Risk, Sociality and Shelter Size
Volume 43