Failler, P.

    La prise en compte des contrats implicites et explicites dans la gestion d’une pêcherie artisanale et dans les projets de développement: le cas de la Martinique

    Volume 47

    Bérube, G.

    Estructuración social y económica de la pesca artesanal de Guyana Francesa

    Volume 47

    Acosta, A.; Valdés-Pizzini, M.

    Comparison of catch rates, catch composition and operations of gillnets and trammel nets in coral reef areas with notes on the socio-economic aspects of the fishery

    Volume 47

    Murray, P.A.

    Fisheries resource management in the OECS: some perspective

    Volume 47

    Appeldoorn, R.S.; Kimmel, J.J.; Meyers, S.; Sadovy, Y.; Valdés-Pizzini, M.

    Fisheries management policy in Puerto Rico: a progress report

    Volume 47

    Burnett-Herkes, J.

    Christopher Ninnes and John Barnes Implications for the Caribbean region of an international agreement on conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks

    Volume 47

    Vermeer, L.A.; Hunte, W.; Oxenford, H.A.

    An assessment of the potential for community-level management of the sea urchin fishery in Barbados

    Volume 47

    Matthews, T.R.; Cox, C.; Eaken, D.

    Bycatch in Florida’s Spiny Lobster trap fishery

    Volume 47

    Velasco, M.; Cortes, R.

    Preliminary study on the effects of water hyacinths on water quality and production of tilapia receiving feeds in ponds

    Volume 47

    Cabrera, T.; Rosas, J.

    Efecto de la dieta y la salinidad en el crecimiento poblacional de tres cepas del rotífero brachionus plicatilis Mƒller.

    Volume 47