Gómez, G.; Marcano, L.A.; Guzmán, R.; Ramírez, T.

    Aspectos biometricos y reproductivos de la cigala, metanephrops binghami, en aguas de Venezuela

    Volume 47

    Guzman, R.; Penott, M.; Carmona, B.; Astudillo, M.

    La pesqueria de sardina, sardinella aurita, en el oriente de Venezuela y su variabilidad espacio temporal, periodo, 1973-1992.

    Volume 47

    Aliaume, C.; Zerbi, A.; Miller, J.M.

    Juvenile snook species in Puerto Rico estuaries: distribution, abundance and habitat description

    Volume 47

    Zerbi, A.; Aliaume, C.; Miller, J.M.; Joyeux, J.C.

    Contributions to the ecology of juvenile tarpon megalops atlanticus in an impoundment in southwestern Puerto Rico

    Volume 47

    Berríos, J.M.; Timber, J.H.

    Artificial reef research in Puerto Rico

    Volume 47

    Adams, A.

    Fish assemblages associated with an established (> 10 years old) artificial reef and an Adjacent natural reef

    Volume 47

    Hill, R.L.; García, J.R.

    Techniques and assessments of baseline conditions for identifying changes associated with the marine fishery reserve in la Parguera, Puerto Rico

    Volume 47

    García, J.R.

    La Parguera marine fishery reserve : a feasibility study

    Volume 47

    Glasspool, A.F.

    Population structure and gene flow in Bermuda’s reef fish

    Volume 47

    Ramírez, J.T.; García, J.R.

    Spatial and temporal patterns of larval fish distribution in surface waters of la Parguera, Puerto Rico: preliminary report

    Volume 47