Posada, J.M.; Mateo Rabelo, I.; Nemeth, M.
Distribution and Abundance of Queen Conch, Strombus gigas, (Gastropoda: Strombidae) on the Shallow Waters of the Jaragua National Park, Dominican Republic
Volume 51
November, 1998
García-Saez, C.
Cayos Cochinos Research Station: Overview and Research Opportunities
Volume 50
November, 1997
Camarena Luhrs, T.
Manejo y Administración del Parque Marino Nacional “Costa Occidental de Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancún y Punta Nizuc”
Volume 50
November, 1997
Manzanilla Naim, S.
Mamíferos Marinos del Golfo de Mexico y el Caribe: Problematica de Conservación
Volume 50
November, 1997
Sevilla Hernández, L.
Algunos Aspectos Culturales de la Pesca en el S.E. de Mexico
Volume 50
November, 1997
Bohnsack, B.L.; Sousa, R.J.
Potential Implications of the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program for Fisheries Management in the Caribbean Basin
Volume 50
November, 1997
Keithly Jr., W.R.; García-Moliner, G.
An Economic and Environmental Analysis of Commercial Catch in St. Thomas and St. John, US. Virgin Islands
Volume 50
November, 1997
Holland, S.M.
Recreational For-Hire Sector Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico: Fishery Management Issues
Volume 50
November, 1997
Fedler, A.J.
Applying Human Dimensions Information to Fisheries Management in the Gulf and Caribbean
Volume 50
November, 1997