Sabat, A.M.; Hernández-Delgado, E.A.; Toledo, C.G.

    Demographic Analysis of the Effect of Fishing Mortality on the Population Dynamics of the Red Hind (Epinephelus guttatus)

    Volume 51
    November, 1998

    Colás-Marrufo, T.E.; Brulé, T.

    La Reproducción de la Cuna Aguaji, Mycteroperca microleis en el Sur del Golfo de México: Primeros resultados

    Volume 51
    November, 1998

    Schirripa, M.J.

    Status of the Vermilion Snapper (RJwmboplites aurorubens), Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), and Gag Stocks (Mycteroperca microlepis) in the V.S. Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 51
    November, 1998

    Nieland, D.L.; Wilson, C.A.

    Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the Northem Gulf of Mexico: Fishery Dependent and fishery Independent Characterization of Age and Length

    Volume 51
    November, 1998

    Matthews, T.R.; Williams, T.

    Reduction of Trap Induced Mortality in Florida Spiny Lobster Fishery Biology and Fisheries of Snapper/Grouper

    Volume 51
    November, 1998

    Brito-Manzano, N.; Aldana-Aranda, D.

    Efecto del Fotoperíodo sobre el Desarrollo, Crecimiento y Sobrevivencia de Larvas del Caracol de uña Strombus pugilis en el Laboratorio

    Volume 51
    November, 1998

    Aldana-Aranda, D.; Patiño-Suárez, V.

    Efecto del Fotoperiodo en la Alimentación Larval del caracol Strombus pugilis

    Volume 51
    November, 1998

    Delgado, G.A.; Glazer, R.A.; Stewart, N.; McCarthy, K.J.; Kidney, J.A.

    Modification of Behavioral and Morphological Deficits in Hatchery-Reared Queen Conch (Strombus gigas,L.): Implications for a Stock Enhancement Program

    Volume 51
    November, 1998

    Twefik, A.; Béné, C.

    Densities and Age Structure of Fished versus Protected Populations of Queen Conch, Strombus gigas, in the Turks & Caicos Islands

    Volume 51
    November, 1998

    Baqueiro Cárdenas, E.R.; Murillo, D.; Medina, C.M.

    Aspectos Biológico Pesqueros del Recurso Caracol en la Zona Norte del Estado de Campeche, México

    Volume 51
    November, 1998