Burton, M.L.
The Effectiveness Of Closed Seasons As A Management Strategy For Two Reef Associated Species
Volume 50
November, 1997
McGovern, J.C.; Sedberry, G.R.; Harris, P.J.
The Status of Reef Fish Stocks off the Southeastern United States, 1983-1996
Volume 50
November, 1997
Acosta, A.; Beaver, R.W.
Estimation of Growth and Mortality for Yellowtail Snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus, in the Florida Keys, Florida, U.S.A.
Volume 50
November, 1997
McClellan, D.B.; Cummings, N.J.
Fishery and Biology of the Yellowtail Snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus, from the Southeastern United States, 1962 Through 1996
Volume 50
November, 1997
Sámano-Zapata, J.C.; Vega-Cendejas, M.E.; Hernández de Santillana, M.
Ecologia Alimenticia e Interacción Trófica del Pargo Mulato Lutjanus griseus (Lineo, 1758) y de la rubia Lurjanus synagris (L. 1758) de la Costa Noroccidental de la Peninsula de Yucatan, Mexico
Volume 50
November, 1997
Colás-Marrufo, T.E.; Brulé, T.; Deniel, C.
Analisis Preliminar de las Capturas de Serranidos Realizadas a Través de Unidades de la Flota Mayor en el Banco de Campeche, Yucatan
Volume 50
November, 1997
Vidal-Martínez, V.M.; Aguirre-Macedo, M.L.; Vivas-Rodríguez, C.M.; Moravec, F.
Las Comunidades de Macroparasitos del Mero, Epinephelus morio (Pisces: Serranidae), en la Peninsula de Yucatan, Mexico
Volume 50
November, 1997
Luckhurst, B.E.
Site Fidelity and Homing Behaviour of Tagged Red Hind (Epinephelus guttatus) to Spawning Aggregation Sites at Bermuda
Volume 50
November, 1997
Stevenson, D.E.; Chapman, R.W.; Sedberry, G.R.
Stock Identification in Nassau Grouper, Epinephelus striatus, using Microsatellite DNA Analysis
Volume 50
November, 1997
Gold, J.R.; Richardson, L.R.
Genetic Homogeneity Among Geographic Samples of Snappers and Groupers: Evidence of Continuous Gene Flow?
Volume 50
November, 1997