Goodbody-Gringley. G; S. Weber

    Impacts of reduced human activity due to COVID-19 on reef fish populations in the Cayman Islands

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Grove. L.J; J. Blondeau; V. Brandtneris; S. Hiedmann; E. Kadison; C. Carrion; M. Johnson; S. Sagarese; T. Smith

    Are mesophotic coral reefs a potential refuge for fishery targeted reef fish species in the US Virgin Islands?

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Olson. J; A. Tobin; A. Acosta

    Spatio-temporal patterns and recruitment of young of the year snappers: mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis), lane snapper (L. synagris), schoolmaster snapper (L. apodus), gray snapper (L. griseus) and yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus) (Lutjanidae) in the Middle Florida Keys between 2007-2019

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Kochan. D; M. Mitchell; R. Zuercher; P. Cowman; A. Harborne

    Winners and losers of reef flattening: a trait-based assessment of Florida coral reef fishes

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Pattengill-Semmens. C; D. Greenberg; B. Semmens

    Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) population trends in Florida, USA: Evaluating objective evidence of assumed recovery

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Carrubba. L; L. Wenzel; S. Bolden

    Protecting Species and Places: A Partnership for Place and Species-Based Conservation

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Walcott. J.

    Insights into Marine Protected Area management throughout the Wider Caribbean Region

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Acton. L.

    Staking claims to ocean space through a failed large-scale marine protected area Proposal

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Rico Fernández. P; A. Rivera

    Defining a protocol for recreational scuba diving Carrying Capacity within a marine protected area (MPA)

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    De Groene. A.

    Working towards sustainable financing on the three windward islands in the Dutch Caribbean

    Volume 74
    November. 2021