Mcnamee. L; A. Harborne; D. Kochan; S. Luongo. Y; Papastamatiou

    Food web modeling to assess interactions between artificial reefs and natural reefs

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    George. I; A. Davis; J.L. Akins; A. Candelmo; S. Green

    Species traits and habitat quality drive differences in fish detectability between visual survey techniques: implications for coral reef monitoring design

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Pella. F; N. Lysenko; P. E. Mateo Matos; E. Scepi; M. Francesco Falcetta

    The challenge to be sustainable, systemic and synergic: lessons learnt from the Caribbean EBM-DSS.

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Kingon. K; M. Bentley; R. Bentley; A. Dickson; A. Morgan Estape; C. Estapé; K. Kitson-Walters; M. Pistor

    The Fish and Invertebrate Community Associated with the Invasive Seagrass, Halophila stipulacea in St. Eustatius

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Rivera. A; G. Brady; Z. Zúniga; S. Ochoa; N. Johnson; I. Drysdale; T. Amaya; J. Myton

    Impact of Sanitation Best Management Practices on Human and Coral Reef Health: Half Moon Bay, Honduras Case Study

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Ellis. R; S. Webb; D. Cox; Erick Ault; P. Stevens.

    Juvenile Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) habitat use and movement patterns in South Florida Estuaries

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Esch. E; C. Jarnevich; R. Robertson; C. Rosas; N. Simoes; T. McClanahan; A.Harborne

    Predicting the potential distribution of a new Caribbean invader using a species distribution model

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Ulman. A; F. Ali; M. Adel; A. Candelmo; J. Chapman; B. Cicek;K. Clements; S. Al Mabruk; A. Fogg; S. Frank; S. R. Gittings; S. J. Green, J. M. Hall-Spencer; J. Hart; S. Huber; P. E. Karp; F. C. Kyne; De-Metris Kletou; L. Magno; S. B.S. Rothman; J. N. Solomon; N. Stern; and T. Yildiz

    Lessons from the Western Atlantic lionfish invasion can inform management in the Mediterranean

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Davis. A; L. Akins; C. Pollock; I. Lundrgren; M. A. Johnston; B. Castillo; I. K. Reale-Monroe; V. Mcdonough; S. Moneysmith; S.Green

    Multiple drivers of invasive lionfish culling efficiency in marine protected areas

    Volume 74
    November. 2021

    Clements. K; P. Karp; H. Harris; F. Ali; A. Candelmo; S. J. Rodríguez; C. Balcázar-Escalera; A. Fogg; S. Green; J. Solomon

    Regional Synthesis of Invasive Lionfish Citizen Science Programs in the Tropical Western Atlantic

    Volume 74
    November. 2021