Stock, B.C., A. Mullen, P. Roberts, J.S. Jaffe, L, Waterhouse, C. Pattengill-Semmens, C, McCoy, and B. X. Semmens

    Fine-scale Dispersal of Eggs from a Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus) Spawning Aggregation

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Tuohy, E., M. Scaharer-Umpirre, and R.Appeldoorn

    Spatio-temporal Dynamics of a Nassau Grouper Spawning Aggregation in Puerto Rico

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Russell, M.

    Reef Fish Fisheries and Spawning Aggregations

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Nóh- Quiñones, V., J.R. Torres Villegas, T. Brule Demarest, J.L. Montero Muñoz, and U.F. Valdez Muriel

    Batch Fecundity Estimation of Hogfish (Perciformes: Labridae)from the Gulf of Mexico Using a Stereological Method

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Dance, K., J.R. Rooker, D.L. Moulton, R. Appelddorn, R.J. D. Wells, P. Snachez, and R. Hill

    Predation Risk Drives Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Habitat Use for Juvenile Fishes in a Back Reef Seascape

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Lowerre-Barbieri, S., C. Koenig, T. Switzer, C. Porch, M. Bryant, and G. Fitzhugh

    Spatial Ecology and Sex Ratios in Gag Grouper, Mycteroperca microlepis: Implications for Management

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Dance, K., J. Rooker, B. Shipley, and R.J. D. Wells

    Feeding Ecology of Fishes at Artificial Reefs in the Northwest Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Kurtis, G., B. Walker, K. Kilfoyle, and J. Blondeau

    Demographics of Selected Reef Fish Off Southeast Florida

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Vidal-Hernandez, L., A. Bravo-Calderon, and J. Lopez-Rocha

    Assessing the Impact of Sport Fishing in Six Fish Species in Yucatan, Mexico, Using Length Based Indicators

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Szedlmayer, S., P. Mudrak, and J.Jaxon-Harm

    A Comparison of Red Snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, Age, Growth, Distribution, and Abundance Between an Earlier (1999 – 2004) and a Recent (2011 – 2015) Fishery Independent Survey

    Volume 69
    November, 2016