Vaudo, J. M. Byrne, B. Wetherbee, G. Harvey, and M. Shivji

    Movements of White Marlin, Kajikia albida, Tagged off the Yucatan Peninsula

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Saillant, E., L. Antoni, E. Short, P. Luque, J. Franks, L. Reynal, C. Pau, F. Arocha, P. Roque, F. Hazin, B. Falterman, M. Hankie, F. Ngom sow, and P. Bannerman

    Assessment of the Genetic Structure of Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna in the Atlantic Ocean

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Michaels, J.A., M.S. Peterson, E.J. Anderson, J.R. Hendon, and J.M. Higgs

    Connecting Anchovies to Pelagic Predators by Their Parasites

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Keller, e., and J.H. Cowan Jr.

    Grouper Reproduction at Shelf-edge Banks in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Romer, M.R., E. Reed, C. Biggs, W. Heyman, and B. Erisman

    Reproductive Dynamics of Sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus, in South Texas

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Sherman, K.D., A.R. King, C.P. Dahlgren, S.D. Simpson, J.R. Stevens and C.R. Tyler

    Genetic Population Structure, Diversity, and Connectivity of Endangered Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus) in the Bahamas

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Waterhouse, L., J. Steward, C. Pattengill-Semmens, C, McCoy, B. Johnson,S. Happell, and B. X. Semmens

    Recovery of Nassau Grouper in the Cayman Islands: Predicting Future Population Levels

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    R.L. Hill., J.C. Doerr, M.T. Scharer, R.S. Appeldoorn, and P.A. Caldwell

    Innovative Use of Drifters and Sound Recording to Locate Grouper Spawning Aggregations

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Donaldson, T.J.

    Fighting for Sex: Male Territoriality in a Lek-like Mating System of Reef Fishes

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Brown, J.E. and R.S. Nemeth

    Characterizing the Spatio-temporal Distributions of a Red Hind, Epinephelus guttatus, Fish Spawning Aggregation in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands:Using Acoustic Telemetry for Conservation and Management

    Volume 69
    November, 2016