
    Spatial Features of Sea Turtle Post-nesting Migrations and Core Use Areas in the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Special Session: Marine Animal Movement Ecology in the Wider- Caribbean

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Data-limited Marine Spatial Planning: Generating Maps of Priority Conservation Areas in Montserrat

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Ramdeen, R;U.Zischka;K.Mengerin

    How Do We Adapt Stakeholder Engagement for Effective Ocean Planning in the Caribbean? A Case Study of the Waitt Institute’s Stakeholder Engagement Toolkit

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Olson, J.C;R.S.Appeldoorn;M.T.Schärer-Umpierre;J.J.Cruz-Motta

    The Mona Island MPA 13 Years After No-take Designation: Testing the NEOLI Paradigm

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Protecting Reefs with High Structural Complexity Benefits Fish Biomass in the Mexican Caribbean

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Cobián Rojas,D;S.PereraValderrama;L.MárquezLlauger;O.MorenoMartínez;P.ChevalierMonteagudo;H.CaballeroAragón;J.GonzálezMéndez;R.VarelaMontero;O.BorregoFernández;J.L.LinaresRodríguez;J.A.CamejoLamas

    Strategies and Regulations for a Sustainable Development of Tourism in the Coastal-marine Area of Guanahacabibes National Park

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Rapid Resilience Assessment Protocol Reveals Good Coral Reef Conditions in the Parque Nacional Arrecife Alacranes, off the Northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Doyle, e;D.Wusinich-Mendez;S.Frew;B.Glazer;C.Mahung

    An Update on Marine Protected Area Management Capacity in the Caribbean, 2011-2017

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    RamirezYela, S.M;G.A.GálvezArgueta;J.RodríguezGarcía

    Network of Recovery Areas in the Caribbean Guatemala as a Tool for Management and Conservation of Marine and Coastal Resources and Ecosystems

    Volume 70
    November, 2017