Ríos Lara, V.R;R.DíazQuijano;M.UribeCuevas;D.CerveraPaul;J.ÁguilaElvira;R.CanPerera;A.VillanuevaDíaz;E.DzulPomol;M.DíazYam;C.ZetinaMoguel

    Co-management in the Mitigating of the Impact of the Sea Cucumber Fishery on the Lobster Fishery of Yucatan Coast, Mexico

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Hernández Millán,M.B;M.MateoSabido-Itzá;A.Medina-Quej;J.M.Gómez-Poot

    Fisheries Assessment of the Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) in Xcalak Reefs National Park, Mexico

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Evaluation of the Status of the Panulirus argus (Spiny Lobster) from 2004 through 2016 in the Turks and Caicos Islands

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Coordinating Lionfish Removal Efforts Using a Publicly Accessible Web Map

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Vertical Movement and Site Fidelity of Lionfish (Pterois volitans) Along a Deep Reef Wall Using in situ Acoustic Telemetry

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Consumer Demand for Lionfish : A Multi-disciplinary Analysis of the Potential for a Lionfish Market in the US Virgin Islands

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    A Note on Lionfish Removals in St. Thomas/St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    The Effect of Simulated Green Turtle Grazing 0n Thalassia testudinum Productivity, Benthic Community Composition, and Stingray Feeding Behavior

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Mexicano-Cintora, G;E.CuevasFlores;P.A.GarcíaAlvarado;M.deLosÁngelesLiceaga-Correa

    Technical Performance of Satellite Transmitters on Female Sea Turtles in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Clima Pesca:Climatic Information at the Service of the Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector

    Volume 70
    November, 2017