Rodriguez Gil,L.A;C.F.ReyesSosa;J.L.Giorgana-Figueroa;S.L.N.Dzib;A.A.MisZapata

    Output and Conversion Factors Obtained from the Dehydration Process in Yucatan, Mexico Sea Cucumber

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Intestinal Parasitic Helminths of Some Sharks in the Central Coast of the State of Veracruz, Mexico

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Sagittae Morphology of Economically Important Fishes from Southern Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Is Mangrove Restoration Worth the Effort?

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Direct Assessment of Biomass, Spatial Distribution, and Current State of Southern Pink Shrimp Fishery (Farfantepenaeus notialis) in the Colombian Caribbean

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Ramírez Gonzalez,A.R;O.O.RiveraCadena;O.Méndez

    Metazoan Parasites of Sardinella aurita (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae)in the Central Coast of the State of Veracruz, Mexico

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Puga Millán,R;O.MoralesFadragas;R.AlzugarayMartínez;S.ValleGómez;A.GrovasHernández;L.LópezCastañeda;T.FigueredoMartín;E.BonéMorón;T.Mangin;J.Kritzer

    A Multi-institutional Approach to Bio-economic Fishery Models in Cuba

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Pozos Carré,D.A;D.H.UscangaAlvarado;Ó.Méndez

    Helminth Parasites of Lutjanus campechanus (Poey, 1860) in the Central Zone of the State of Veracruz, Mexico

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Healthy Fisheries Need Healthy Fishermen: An Overview of the Work-related Health Problems of the Artisanal Diving Fishermen of Yucatan, Mexico

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Processing of Sea Cucumber on the Coast of Yucatan and Its Implications on the Fishery Management

    Volume 70
    November, 2017