Selectivity, Abundance, and Density of Males and Females of Callinectes sapidus on the Coast of Yucatan
Volume 70
November, 2017
Juvenile Population Dynamics of Families Lutjanidae and Serranidae in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, with Respect to the Loop Current and other Hydrographic Features
Volume 70
November, 2017
Vanegas González, M.J;N.RincónDiaz;L.ChasquiVelasco
State of the Invasion of Lionfish Pterois volitans in the Continental Caribbean Colombian Coast, Nationwide Monitoring
Volume 70
November, 2017
A Preliminary Analysis of Marine Fishery Catches Along Southeast Haiti
Volume 70
November, 2017
Uribe Cuevas,M;H.A.MedinaQuijano;M.delCarmenMonroyGarcía
Spatial Behavior and Profile of the Small-scale Fleet Catches in Yucatán, México
Volume 70
November, 2017
Evidence of Variable Growth Rates in Hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus) Depending on Reef Tract
Volume 70
November, 2017
Fundamental Marine Conservation Concepts Should be Taught in Fishing Communities Using Native Languages as the Language of Instruction
Volume 70
November, 2017
Why Teach Fundamental Marine Conservation Concepts in Schools in Mayan Fishing Communities Using Maya (Yucateco) as the Language of Instruction?
Volume 70
November, 2017
Tobón Villatoro,S;E.ValeroPacheco;L.G.Abarca-Arenas
Diet Composition of Yellowtail Snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch, 1971) Captured by the Artisanal Fishery of Antón Lizardo Veracruz, México
Volume 70
November, 2017
Tello Cetina,J;A.ChanPat;G.RiveraMuñoz;L.RomeroGonzalez;K.NavarroGarcia
Use of Melanin from Octopus maya from Yucatan as Antibacterial Agent
Volume 70
November, 2017