Ingle, R.M.

    Intermittent shrimp sampling in Apalachicola bay with biological notes and regulatory applications

    Volume 9
    September, 1957

    Costello, T.J.

    Aims and progress in gulf investigations’ shrimp research

    Volume 9
    September, 1957

    Suomela, A.J.

    Opening address: the federal government’s role in the development of new fishery resources

    Volume 9
    September, 1957


    Discussion, general session

    Volume 8
    October, 1956

    Mowbray, L.S.

    The modified tuna long-line in Bermuda waters

    Volume 8
    October, 1956

    Rivas, L.R.

    The occurrence and taxonomic relationships of the Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira Ampla) in the Pacific Ocean

    Volume 8
    October, 1956

    Minot, F.

    The seagoing requirements of fishing vessels

    Volume 8
    October, 1956

    Sand, R.F.

    Underwater television in commercial fisheries research

    Volume 8
    October, 1956

    Alexander, J.E.

    Use of Indole as an indicator of spoilage in fresh shrimp

    Volume 8
    October, 1956

    Firman, M.C.; Abbey, A.; Darken, M.A.; Kohler, A.R.; Upham, S.D.

    The effect of Aureomycin Chlortetracycline on fish freshness

    Volume 8
    October, 1956