Crutchfield, J.A.
Effects of mineral and petroleum extraction on living resources of continental shelf waters
Volume 21
June, 1969
Crowther, H.E.
Is there a need for technical assistance to improve the quality of fishery products?
Volume 21
June, 1969
Griffiths, R.C.; Simpson, J.G.
The present status o f the sardine and tuna fisheries of Venezuela
Volume 20
July, 1968
Gines, H.; Cervigón, F.
Exploratory fishing in the Southern Caribbean and northern Atlantic coasts of South America
Volume 20
July, 1968
Iñigo, F.; Juhl, R.
Outlook of Puerto Rico’s commercial fisheries development
Volume 20
July, 1968
Winsor, H.C.
Two years of operations of the UNDP/FAO Caribbean fisheries development project (abstract)
Volume 20
July, 1968