Crutchfield, J.A.

    Effects of mineral and petroleum extraction on living resources of continental shelf waters

    Volume 21
    June, 1969

    Parman, G.K.

    Fish protein concentrate in the caribbean. How soon?

    Volume 21
    June, 1969

    Foster, W.C.

    What the fishing industry may expect prom the 91st congress

    Volume 21
    June, 1969

    Schultz, R.W.

    Cleaning and sanitizing to meet regulatory requirements

    Volume 21
    June, 1969

    Crowther, H.E.

    Is there a need for technical assistance to improve the quality of fishery products?

    Volume 21
    June, 1969

    Griffiths, R.C.; Simpson, J.G.

    The present status o f the sardine and tuna fisheries of Venezuela

    Volume 20
    July, 1968

    Gines, H.; Cervigón, F.

    Exploratory fishing in the Southern Caribbean and northern Atlantic coasts of South America

    Volume 20
    July, 1968

    Ciardelli Fadul, A.

    The marine fisheries of Colombia and their statistics

    Volume 20
    July, 1968

    Iñigo, F.; Juhl, R.

    Outlook of Puerto Rico’s commercial fisheries development

    Volume 20
    July, 1968

    Winsor, H.C.

    Two years of operations of the UNDP/FAO Caribbean fisheries development project (abstract)

    Volume 20
    July, 1968