Jackson, C.E.
Report on legislation pending in congress affecting fish and shellfish
Volume 22
May, 1970
Provenzano Jr., A.J.
Recent experiments on the laboratory rearing of tropical lobster larvae
Volume 21
June, 1969
Broom, J.G.
Pond culture of shrimp on grand terre island louisiana 1962-1968
Volume 21
June, 1969
Idyll, C.P.; Tabb, D.C.; Yang, W.T.
Experimental shrimp culture in southeast florida (abstract)
Volume 21
June, 1969
Myrberg Jr.,A.A.
Attraction & free ranging sharks by acoustic signals (abstract)
Volume 21
June, 1969
Fuss Jr., C.M.; Kelly Jr., J.A.; Prest Jr., K.W.
Gulf thread herring: aspects of the developing fishery and biological research
Volume 21
June, 1969