Aldana-Aranda, D.; Patiño-Suárez, V.; Brito-Manzano, N.

    Cinética de alimentación de larvas del caracol de una Strombus pugilis de 1 y 30 dias

    Volume 49
    November, 1996

    Brito-Manzano, N.; Aldana-Aranda, D.

    Desarrollo, crecimiento, sobrevivencia y asentamiento larvel del caracol de una Strombus pugilis

    Volume 49
    November, 1996

    Graefe, A.R.; Ditton, R.B.

    Understanding Catch and Release Behavior Among Billfish Anglers

    Volume 49
    November, 1996

    Failler, P.

    Le Co-Management dans les Antilles Françaises: Mythes Ou Réalités (Le Cas de la Martinique)

    Volume 49
    November, 1996

    Martínez, J.E.; Valdés-Pizzini, M.

    Conservation Efforts in the Fisheries of Southwestern Puerto Rico

    Volume 49
    November, 1996

    Valdés-Pizzini, M.; Posada, J.M.; Rosado, M.; López, I.; Cabán, D.

    Cognitive Construction of Fishery Resources Among the Fishers of Southwestern Puerto Rico

    Volume 49
    November, 1996

    Loomis, D.K.; Holland, S.M.

    Specialization and Sport Fishing: Angler Support for Rules and Regulations

    Volume 49
    November, 1996

    Cummings, N.J.

    The Contribution of the Red Hind and Coney to the U.S. Virgin Islands Fisheries and Information on Recent Stock Status

    Volume 49
    November, 1996

    Matos-Caraballo, D.

    Status of the Groupers in Puerto Rico, 1970-1995

    Volume 49
    November, 1996

    Goodridge, R.; Oxenford, H.A.; Hatcher, B.G.; Narcisse, F.

    Changes in the Shallow Reef Fishery Associated with the Implementation of a System of Fishing Prority and Marine Reserve Areas in Soufriere, St. Lucia

    Volume 49
    November, 1996