Guzman-Valladares, A., S. Schep, P. Van Beukering, e. Palacios Nieto, R. Hoogeveen, A. L. Stangl, M. Schutter, G. Ebanks-Petrie and T. Austin

    The Economic Value of Expanding Marine Protected Areas in the Cayman Islands

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Baldeo, R., and O. Harvey

    Incorporating the Human Dimension in Ecosystem-based Management (EBM):The Grenada Experience of Ridge to Reef Management of MPAs

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Jimd, S., O. Joseph, and E. Doyle

    Calendar for Conservation: Coordinating MPA Biophysical Monitoring Across the Grenadines

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Montero-Fortunato, E., P. Torres-Pineda, R. Guzman, Y. Binilla Santos, J.A. Garcia, N. Mejias Toribio, P.J. Tavares, C. Esquea, R.E. Torresand R. S. Steneck

    Rapid Monitoring of Coral Reefs Ecosystems in the Dominican Republic Using the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN-Caribbean) Guidelines

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Lujan, V., A. Guzman, E. Wolfs, J. Claydon, E. Salamanca, E. Doyle, and S. Schep

    Improving Marine Protected Area Management Through Concrete Strategies for Sustainable Finance

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Matthews, T.R., G.F. Renchen, and C.B. Butler

    Trap Debris Prevention and Awareness in the Spiny Lobster Fishery in Florida, USA

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Uhrin, A.

    NOAA’s Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment Project:Promoting Standardization and Citizen Science

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Mcguire, M.P., R.L. Creswell

    Florida Microplastic Awareness Project: A Citizen Science Initiative

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Poon Kong, N., E. Doyle

    Marine Litter Reduction Strategies for Major Cultural Events in the Caribbean —A Pilot Study on Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago

    Volume 69
    November, 2016

    Regan, S., E. Doyle, and B. Glazer

    Links Between Marine Debris and the Prevalence of Zika Virus Disease in the Caribbean:A Case Study in Puerto Rico

    Volume 69
    November, 2016