
    Predictions of the Presence of Coastal Pelagic Fishes off Georgia, USA, from Local Oceanographic and Biological Conditions

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    A Multi-criteria Spatial Analysis to Determine Shark Species at Risk in the Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Zayas Santiago, C.M;R.S.Appeldoorn;M.T.Schärer-Umpierre;J.J.CruzMotta

    Use of Open Accelerometer Tag to Detect Grouper Courtship Associated Sounds: A Pathway to Spawning-Stock Size Determination

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Managing Fish Spawning Aggregations in a Changing Climate: A Case Study of Red Hind (Epinephelus guttatus) in Bermuda

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Comparing Management Actions and Assessing Trends in Populations of Reef Fish That Form Spawning Aggregations in the Caribbean

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Tradeoff Analysis of the Conservation and Fisheries Benefits of Temporal Closures in a Spawning Aggregation Fishery

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Aggregations as a Proxy for Changes in Abundance in a Threatened Reef Fish, the Nassau Grouper

    Volume 70
    November, 2017

    Vargas Charris,O.C;C.A.Cuervo-Carvajal;L.O.Duarte;F.Escobar-Toledo

    Temporal Variability of Ecological Descriptors in the Demersal Fish Community of the Caribbean Sea of Colombia

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    Temporary Changes in the Functional and Taxonomic Diversity of the Demersal Fish Community of the Caribbean Sea of Colombia

    Volume 70
    November, 2017


    A Remote Video Survey of the Coral Communities from Deep Water Mesophotic Reef Habitats in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 70
    November, 2017