Wilkisson, F.W.
How can sales of southern fish be improved in northern markets
Volume 4
April, 1952
Mackin, J.G.; Korrigna, P.; Hopkins, S.H.
Hexamitiasis of Ostrea Edulis l. and Crassostrea Virginica (gmelin)
Volume 4
April, 1952
Butler, P.A.
Growth and mortality rates in sibling and unrelated oyster populations
Volume 4
April, 1952
Mattox, N.T.
A preliminary report on the biology and economics of the spiny lobster in Puerto Rico
Volume 4
April, 1952
Sutcliffe Jr., W.H.
Some observations of the breeding and migration of the Bermuda spiny lobster, Panulirus Argus
Volume 4
April, 1952
Creaser, E.P.
Sexual dimorphism in weight and length relationships of the Bermuda spiny lobster
Volume 4
April, 1952
Mattox, N.T.
Report on the attempted introduction of the Virginia oyster Crossostren Virginica into the waters of Puerto Rico
Volume 4
April, 1952