Juhl, R.

    Canning tuna in Puerto Rico

    Volume 11
    June, 1959

    Janzen, D.H.

    The recreational potential of marine fisheries

    Volume 11
    June, 1959


    Discussion, biological session

    Volume 11
    June, 1959

    Chipman, W.A.

    Accumulation of radioactive materials by fishery organisms

    Volume 11
    June, 1959

    Broadhead, G.C.

    Techniques used in the tagging of yellowfin and skipjack tunas in the eastern tropical pacific ocean during 1955-1957

    Volume 11
    June, 1959

    Sykes, J.E.; Talbot, G.B.

    Progress in Atlantic coast shad investigation migration

    Volume 11
    June, 1959

    Wallace, D.H.

    Improved techniques for collecting seed oysters in the Chesapeake area

    Volume 11
    June, 1959

    Bullis Jr., H.R.; Ingle, R.M.

    A new fishery for scallops in western Florida

    Volume 11
    June, 1959

    Hargis Jr., W.J.

    Parasites and fishery problems

    Volume 11
    June, 1959


    Discussion, fish merchandising session

    Volume 11
    June, 1959