Daniel Matos-Caraballo;Martha Ricaurte-Chica;Jesus Leon-Fernandez;Luis A. Rivera-Padilla;Wilson Santiago-Soler;Lucia T. Vargas-Denizard

    Overview of Puerto Rico’s Small Scale Commercial Fisheries During 2012-2017

    Volume 71
    November, 2018

    Daniel Matos-Caraballo;Juan Agar;Martha Ricaurte-Chica;Jesus León-Fernandez;Luis A. Rivera-Padilla;Wilson Santiago-Soler;Lucia T. Vargas-Denizard

    Description of Hurricane María Impacts on the Puerto Rico’s Commercial Fisheries

    Volume 71
    November, 2018

    Jonathan Martinez;Rixcie Newball

    Seaflower Biosphere Reserve NIMD-PMA and Regional Parks Financial Sustainability

    Volume 71
    November, 2018

    Cecil Marquez;Ezra Campbell;Tylon Joseph;Roland Baldeo

    A Fishers-led Community Awareness Campaign for the Establishment of a Marine Protected Area: A Case study for Gouyave, Grenada

    Volume 71
    November, 2018

    Johan Mancilla;Anthony Mitchell


    Volume 71
    November, 2018

    Germán Enrique Lozano-Beltrán;Gloria Cecilia de León-Martínez;Oneida Guardiola-Ibarra

    Population and Biometrics Aspects of the Blunttooth Swimcrab (Callinectes bocourti) of La Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombian Caribbean

    Volume 71
    November, 2018

    Claritza Llanos-Ruiz;Anthony Rojas-Archbold;Shelpira Pomare-Webster;Erlid Rafael-Arroyo

    Dynamics of Artisanal Fishing and Composition of Fish Catches from Artisanal Fishing Land-ings in the Island of San Andrés, Biosphere Reserve Seaflower, Colombia

    Volume 71
    November, 2018

    Ruby Lizcano;Taidis Álvarez;Norvis Acosta;Neil Gallardo;Sebastian Hernández;Kareen De Turris-Morales

    Evaluation of the Jaiba Resource Fishery (Callinectes sapidus and Callinectes bocourti) in the Colombian Caribbean

    Volume 71
    November, 2018

    Juerg Lichtenegger;Gérard Escleyne;Jean-Philippe Maréchal

    New Approach to Integrated Space-based Surveillance of Sargassum

    Volume 71
    November, 2018

    Mariana C. León-Pérez;William J. Hernández;Roy A. Armstrong

    Analysis of Historical Aerial Photographs and Satellite Data Reveal an Increase in Seagrass Cover in Caja de Muertos Island Nature Reserve, Puerto Rico: 1950 – 2014

    Volume 71
    November, 2018