Anderson, L.G.; Tabb, D.C.

    Some economic aspects of pink shrimp farming in Florida

    Volume 23
    June, 1971


    Discussions of Management and Resources Utilization Session

    Volume 23
    June, 1971

    Rinkel, M.O.

    Results of cooperative investigations a pilot study of the eastern Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 23
    June, 1971

    Wickham, D.A.

    Nightlighting. A harvesting strategy for underutilized coastal pelagic school-fishes

    Volume 23
    June, 1971

    Knobl Jr., G.M.

    Fish protein concentrate: the growth of an industry

    Volume 23
    June, 1971

    Burgess, H.M.

    Food technologist looks at fish protein concentrate

    Volume 23
    June, 1971


    Discussions of Merger and Investment Session

    Volume 23
    June, 1971

    Whiteleather, R.T.

    Fishermen’s protective fund

    Volume 23
    June, 1971

    Good, C.M.

    Evaluating. Planning and managing risk ventures

    Volume 23
    June, 1971

    Wilson, R.R.; Thompson, R.G.; Callen, R.W.

    Optimal investment and financial strategies in shrimp fishing

    Volume 23
    June, 1971