Webb, N.B.; Stokes, S.J.; Thomas, F.B.; Moncol, N.B.; Hardy, E.R.
Effect of sanitation procedures on bacterial levels in blue crab processing plants
Volume 25
May, 1973
Herrnkind, W.F.; Kanciruk, P.; Halusky, J.; McLean, R.
Descriptive characterization of mass autumnal migrations of spiny lobster, Panulirus argus
Volume 25
May, 1973
Houde, E.D.
Estimating abundance of Sardine-like fishes from egg and larval surveys, eastern Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary report
Volume 25
May, 1973
Hutton, R.F.
An innovative State-Federal concept in managing fishery resources
Volume 25
May, 1973
Bieler, A.C.; Matthews, R.F.; Koburger, J.A.
Rock shrimp quality as influenced by handling procedures
Volume 25
May, 1973