Stevenson, W.H.

    U.S. Fishery Management Gets a New Vehicle (Abstract)

    Volume 29
    May, 1977

    Jones, A.C.

    Report of Colloquium on Snapper and Grouper Resources of the Western Central Atlantic (Abstract)

    Volume 28
    May, 1976

    Rich, R.S.

    Use and Interpretation of Echo Sounding Equipment

    Volume 28
    May, 1976

    Beaumariage, D.S.; Little, E.J.

    Status Report of Florida’s Research on on Spiny Lobster Biology

    Volume 28
    May, 1976

    Cummins Jr., R.

    Outline for a Southeastern Region Recreational Fishery Program Development Plan

    Volume 28
    May, 1976

    Beardsley, G.L.; Berry, F.H.

    Progress toward Management of the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

    Volume 28
    May, 1976

    Robins, C.R.

    Aquarium Fish Hobby: Its Impact on the Economy and Environment of Southern Florida

    Volume 28
    May, 1976

    Houde, E.D.

    Abundance and Potential for Fisheries -Development of Some Sardine-like Fishes in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico

    Volume 28
    May, 1976

    Roberts, K.J.; Rhodes, R.J.

    Gear and Economic Efficiency Results of a Sea Grant Twin-Trawl Demonstration in South Carolina

    Volume 28
    May, 1976

    O’Connor, J.S.

    Contaminant Effects on Biota of the New York Bight

    Volume 28
    May, 1976