Díaz López, M.L.

    Utilización de Recursos Potentiales o Subexplotados por medio de Procesos de Salado, Secado, Ahumado y Escabeche

    Volume 34
    August, 1982

    Hannum Jr., W.B.

    Report of the Evaluation Team on the Aquaculture Sessions

    Volume 34
    August, 1982

    More, W.R.

    Operating an Integrated Shrimp Farm in Latin America: The Panama Experience (Abstract)

    Volume 34
    August, 1982

    Shayne, P.

    Shrimp Farming: A Business Today: Profits and Problems

    Volume 34
    August, 1982

    Wulff, R.E.

    General Mills’ Experiences in Fresh-Water Shrimp Farming in Latin America

    Volume 34
    August, 1982

    Lindbergh, J.M.

    A Successful Transplant of Pacific Salmon to Chile

    Volume 34
    August, 1982

    Ramsaroop, D.

    Potential for an Aquaculture Industry in Trinidad and Tobago

    Volume 34
    August, 1982

    Pagan Font, F.

    Aquaculture: Investment Opportunities in Puerto Rico

    Volume 34
    August, 1982

    Pillay, T.V.R.

    Some Experiences in Aquaculture Development

    Volume 34
    August, 1982

    Caddy, J.F.

    Report of the Evaluation Team Concerned with Solving Island Fisheries Problems

    Volume 34
    August, 1982