Camarena Luhrs, T.; Coba-Cetina, L.; Aguilar-Perera, A.; Aguilar-Dávila, W.
Densidad y Abundancia de Juveniles de Langosta Panulirus argus en Bahia Ascensión. Quintana Roo, México
Volume 44
Ward, J.; Luckhurst, B.E.
Development of a Lobster-Specific Trap in Bermuda and Fisheries Management Considerations for the Re-Establishment of a Commercial Lobster Fishery
Volume 44
Lipcius, R.N.; Eggleston, D.B.
Shelter Limitation, Artificial Reefs and Enhancement of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster
Volume 44
Reid, D.; Corey, S.; Goodwin, M.H.
An Effective Artificial Habitat for Collecting Juvenile Panulirus argus in St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies
Volume 44
Murray, P.A.; Jennings-Clark, S.
An Analysis of Some Morphometric Characteristics of the Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus, in St. Lucia,
Volume 44
Salas, S.; Aguilar, D.; Cabrera Vázquez, M.A.; Arceo Briceño, P.
Patrones de Asentamiento de Langosta (Panuliris argus en La Costa oriente de Yucatán
Volume 44
Matthews, T.R.; Heatwole, D.W.; Hunt, J.H.
Comparison of Morphometric Relationships Between Florida and Caribbean Populations of the Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804)
Volume 44
Rodríguez-Gil, L.A.
Development of Intensive Larval culture for the white Conch, Strombus costatus in the Yucatán Peninsula
Volume 44
Juste, V.; Cortés, R.
Mercenaria mercenaria (Linn.): Gonadal Tissue Response to Man-Induced Envitonmental Changes in Cataño Lagoon, Puerto Rico
Volume 44