Pardee Woodring, M.; Foster, S.M.
Culture of Young Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus): Effects of Density and Feed Type on Growth and Survivorship
Volume 45
Quinn, N.J.; Kojis, B.L.; Chapman, G.
Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Recruitment to Artificial Habitats in Waters off St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
Volume 45
Aguilar, D.; Salas, S.; Cabrera Vázquez, M.A.
Caracterización de las Zonas de Asentamiento de Postlarvas de Langosta (Panulirus argus) en la Costa Noreste de Yucatan
Volume 45
Murray, P.A.; Barnwell, S.B.
The Fisheries of the OECS Member States: Some Management Considerations
Volume 45
Sullivan-Sealy, K.M.; Chiappone, M.; Littau, J.; Miller, M.; Rath, T.; Soto, M.; Reed, M.; Walling, L.; Wilson-Kelley, P.
Rapid Ecological Assessment of the Montego Bay Marine Park, Jamaica: Evaluation of Parks as Marine Fisheries Reserves
Volume 45
Sary, Z.; Picou-Gill, M.; Miller, M.; Van Barneveld, W.; Woodley, J.D.; Sandeman, I.M.
Effects of the Increase in Trap Mesh Size on the Discovery Bay Fishery
Volume 45
Manickchand-Heileman, S.C.; Laydoo, R.S.; Hubbard, R.H.
A Pilot Project to Determine the Effectiveness of an Artificial Tire Reef as a Fish Attraction Device in the Gulf of Paria, Trinidad
Volume 45
Sierra, L.M.; Herrera, A.
Comportamiento y Análisis Socioeconómico de las Pesquerías en el Litoral Caribe de Costa Rica
Volume 45
Bouchelle III, E.L.; Thunberg, E.M.; Adams, C.M.; Seale Jr., J.L.
Supply Response to North Atlantic Swordfhis Quotas: Implications for Swordfish and Tuna Management
Volume 45
Arreguín-Sánchez, F.
Population Tendencies of a Pelagic Coastal Multispecies Fishery: Responses to Changes of the Fishing Effort
Volume 45